Musings from Montreal

LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE..................

The season is just around the corner and all of us are doing the final 
preperations on teams that we think will take us to the promised land in our 
search for the HOLY GRAIL.  (In the blue corner dressed in black cooperalls 
with the white stripes,  the knights that say Ni.  And in the red corner 
Bloodthirsty Rabbit and his Arsenal of Flesh wounds)

Ok, enough of the Monty Python references.  In laymans terms its The league 
against the Crowes trying to wrestle the cup from there grasp.  Can they 
repeat the season they had last year, not sure win totals et al  but was 
mighty impressive.  A couple teams seem to be gearing up big time for the 
season.  The Fog are packing for bear and it looks like the  Pirates if they 
can get a couple trades in they have on the burner may be a force. (Insider 
information i aquired from spies in his camp and being able to read the 
emails of a roomie)    Im going to need a play bill to figure out all the 
new players in Reno this year.  Basil has made the most moves that im aware 
of so far.  Think he'll have to name the rink RONA as Reno is short for 
renovations (Just bugging ya buddy).

As for my self hopefully will repeat my run of last year so who ever has my 
first three draft choices doesnt get a star that can kill me in the future. 
If any one should happen to feel sorry for me  i will accept the return of 
the draft choices no questions asked.  No need to get the authorities 

Some big names have changed locations this year before during and after the 
Draft.  Macinnis Tanguay
Drury, Bondra, Koivu, Kariya to name a few The question that needs to be 
asked how will they affect the chemistry of the teams they go into or will 
the plus 3s and the 4/4s  50 shot percentage combine and make it 

Most of the teams have gotten to the salary cap level  I think there are a 
couple that still need to break hearts and dreams of players that just want 
to play the game they love forcing men into retirement and having there 
wives get jobs as they know nothing else but talking to young girls hitting 
on them at the roxy and similar bars across the country.

Who found the diamond in the rough a prospect that can push there team to 
the next level.  Will Heatley or Kovalchuk be the real deal and Jackman turn 
into the next pronger. How about Cleary   basil thinks hes the steal of the 
draft right?

All this is going to make for an interesting season so let the games 


My thoughts are for a monday night at the foggy dew  a couple beers a 
football game and some shop talk about our league  the canucks or what ever 
team u like  ogle a couple waitresses and just hang with the boys for a 

Let me know what you think and ill look at a time   or if there is a 
different place let me know and ill try to set it up

ps  sorry for all the out of town gms   but westjet may have a good deal for 
u to fly in

brawlers out.............